Does your clinic need an extra pair of hands?

When your clients stop talking to you, here's what to do.

6 min read | August 2024 | admin_vvn

Have you noticed that your Gen Z clients don’t want to talk to you? On the phone, that is.

According to 2024 research,  the phenomenon dubbed ‘phone phobia’ is widespread among Gen Z. Nearly half (49%) of young people say that using the phone makes them feel anxious. Nearly 6 in 10 ‘dread’ making or accepting a phone call, even if it’s necessary.

You’ve probably noticed this trend in your own life. Increasingly, people dislike being ambushed with an unknown number phone call. It’s seen as startling, even rude. The new cultural etiquette is to text or message rather than call.

What does this mean for your clinic?

In the coming years, your Gen Z clients will grow into your main client base. (Gen Z are those born from 1997 onwards, which means they’re now 27-years-old or younger).

That means, in future, the majority of your clients probably won’t be phoning you or wanting to take your calls. Your voice phone system could become redundant.

The question is: how will you communicate with your clients?

You’ll simply need to offer their preferred methods of communication – which is messaging, texting, using social media platforms and conversational AI.

According to statistics from Master of Code, 73% of people now expect websites to feature chatbots for convenient interactions.

This is no surprise to us at Virtual Vet Nurse. For years, we’ve seen how easily veterinary clients engage with conversational AI chatbots.  They’re able to get all the information they need, without having to pick up the (dreaded) phone.

More efficient than phone calls

Through conversations with their clinic’s Virtual Vet Nurse, clients can make or change a booking, ask common pet care questions, send messages to the clinic team, buy products, complete post and pre-visit surveys, and much more.

And via our user feedback, clients tell us how much they appreciate having this option. Here’s some typical feedback:

Feedback rating: 5/5

Comment: “The whole system is just super easy and helpful for worried, busy, exhausted pup parents!”

Client of: Oakland Veterinary Hospital

Streamlining critical conversations

How often have you heard a note of frustration in a client’s voice when you call them in the middle of a workday? Or worse, they don’t pick up at all, leading to time-wasting phone tag?

But of course, as a veterinary business, you still need to contact the pet parent – to make pre-visit arrangements, post-op follow-ups, and other necessary client updates.

Feedback rating: 5/5

Comment: “This is great! Following up and checking in. Nice easy way to get in touch in case there are concerns…amazing!”

Client of: Franklin Vets

The new rule of thumb is: avoid using the phone to do these things. Conversational AI messaging is the new medium. It allows clients to respond in their own time, when it’s convenient for them.

From the clinic’s perspective, it also makes perfect sense. This is what one of our clinic owners has to say:

We know people are busy and often under time pressure, and Virtual Vet Nurse allows our clients to interact with us in a way that suits them.

People are often so busy that they can’t answer their phones when we call anyway, and appreciate the ability to send us a message in their own time.

Co-director, Oaklands Veterinary Hospital

Most pet parents would prefer to have a more leisurely chatbot conversation, answering questions in their own time (when they’re not so busy at work). It also allows them to answer more accurately.

This feedback from a client in Australia, who completed a pre-visit history via their clinic’s Virtual Vet Nurse, sums up the benefits:

Feedback rating: 5/5
Comment: “This is a very good service and I appreciate your questions. They made me more aware of what I should be looking for in Lucy.”

Client of: Mayfair Vet Clinic

What about those who still want to call?

Of course, not all your client base will be Gen Z.

Some of your older clients may still prefer to talk to you the traditional way. To ensure no client is left behind, it’s vital that you continue to cater for them.

If you have a modern practice management system (PMS), it will allow you to record the ‘preferred method of contact’ for each of your clients.

In addition, Virtual Vet Nurse will always politely ask clients for their preferred method of contact. (For example, the client may be happy to complete their post-op survey online – but if they have any concerns arising, they may want one of your team members to call back).

It’s the best of both worlds

This example below shows how Virtual Vet Nurse allows the client to nominate their preferred method of contact, and even the best time to call.

Keen to future-proof your clinic communications?

If you’re looking for a communication solution that’s loved by Gen Z (and your other clients!), we invite you to learn more about Virtual Vet Nurse.

Your clinic’s own Virtual Vet Nurse could be up and running within a day. With zero set-up cost, an affordable monthly subscription, and the freedom to cancel at any time.

To get started, or learn more, book a demo with our team.

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